Thursday, November 27, 2008

Nuerosciencemarketing on Bad Bosses

I found and interesting article from a Neurosciencemarketing blog on how bad bosses can shave off years to your life.  Neuromarketing in general is an interesting subject.  I've come across a few good books on it and I'm tempted to pick one up.  They tend to get into the deeper science of why people make choices, which of course if crucial in Branding.  The two main principles of branding are choice and expectation.  If you build a strong brand people will choose it and if you meet their expectations they will continue to choose it and tell others.  Therefore if you study Neuromarketing and know how people make these choices then you can design your marketing around this.  I'm somewhat becoming more of a pragmatist though so this has been my only hesitation on getting into Neuromarketing.  I'm not quite sure how much is theory and now much can really be put into practice.  If anybody has an opinion on this I would love to know.  

The blog entry from Neurosciencemarketing caught my attention mainly because it touches on employment branding specifically.  I have been on this mission to get recruiting professionals to get away from giving the same canned speeches around worklife-balance, work hard play hard and all the other junk that all companies claim they have.  Instead we should focus on what truly makes our organizations unique.  A boss may be an interesting way to do this.  I wonder what it would be like to sell a boss over selling a company....hmmmmm.  Anyway, check on the article and let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Neurosciencemarketing is the best "science" to learn if you want to hire professionals for your business. Knowledge of Neurosciencemarketing will make the organization unique. Some companies even have professional writers who write a scientific work on Neurosciencemarketing